Friday 15 May 2015

Simple motivation in life.

Hey! Today I'm not going to be talking so much about gaming but about life. Many people out there don't know where are they heading into life because they felt so trapped about the past. For instance, you are lost in the middle of life and you have no idea how to get out of it, it could be about your spouse, your family or even your boyfriend or girlfriend. In this blog I will try as hard as possible to motivate the ones that are in deep hurt which I know what is going on to the kids in school nowadays.

Like I said, it could be anything you are hurt about and you can't leave the track that you're heading towards life. As a 16 year-old-boy talking about stuff like these people will think that I am some crazy boy trying to be famous. No, I want to try motivating as many people in life because I want people to know what is the true purpose in life. Yes, there might be many that think that life is crap and all they know is to party and enjoy their self, but what others don't know is that they are in deep hurt in life. Hurt comes from everywhere, verbally or even physically. Verbally as in cursing someone or even gossiping about someone when they actually noticed that they are being abused. Physically as in like you fell down from a bicycle or get bullied by someone punching you in the face. You know, it's okay to gossip about other people. But if you take it too likely, the person you're gossiping about will feel as they are in deep trouble as you are

Bullies, I know how you feel exactly right now, I have been a bully before during my primary school life and a part of my high-school. But I know that I don't need it anymore, all I need is to keep forgiving and to keep forgetting about what have done to me in the past. I know that all you want is attention from people to prove that you're stronger and the others are weaker. Boy, I know it's tough going through all the blames, the worries, the hurt you been through before. But imagine this, if I was the one that put you in all the blames, the worries and the hurts you will feel angry about me but you can't do anything to me because I'm much stronger. Something you can do to make that 'bully' of yours lay their knees onto the ground is this; Love. Yes my friend, that's the answer. If you put your love into him or her, they will eventually not just lay their knees onto the ground but to also apologise to you for judging you as a bully in the entire time. Now, this thing don't take weeks or month for people to forgive you. but it actually take years. I depends how you control your self and just allow yourself to forget about how your previous sad stories are.

Now, for what they called 'nerds', you guys aren't actually nerds but you guys are the smartest amongst the others. But hey, don't get too proud about it. Different people have different unique ways in life you know? The reason why I state you extremely smart and hardworking people out is because I know you've been either pressured a lot amongst your family or you just want to be the best in life trying to lead the best companies in the entire world but then you feel so pressured about it. Hey, don't feel pressured by anyone else because this is the life you are living on, not your family, not your friends, but YOURSELF. You need to start realising the purpose of life and that meaning by FUN! Don't take my words literally but you need a time or a day off in life. You can't just work 24/7 and not even spend some time with yourself. So what if you are million-air next time? Does the money that you have earned makes you feel more comfortable. Yes, I know you can buy almost everything with money but one typical thing that people always say is TIME. You can't buy TIME you have to spend time. Spend time doing what? Spend time not just on your studies and work but like I said, on YOURSELF. Imagine this, if I were to give you a million dollars just only to spend on yourself but you're lying down on your death bed. How are you possibly going to buy some stuff to satisfy yourself where you forgot to spend time with yourself before your death bed? The simplest thing about life is appreciating it by to have fun with it.

I know that to some, this post don't make sense. But I just need you to think harder, I can't help you on thinking but you have to do it yourself. Thank you to the ones whom understood what I meant. But those who don't, don't feel that I'm blaming you but thank you for also reading this post.

That's it for the day guys!
Here's my Facebook profile if you guys want to get to know me more just click the add button!

Leave a comment behind if you want to, even privately (If you know what I mean). I'll try to reply you guys as soon as possible.

Sunday 26 April 2015

A Little Bit About My Passion For Gaming

Hmm, why did I said that my passion was on gaming again? Well, the truth comes now. I've been gaming for almost 9 years (I started when I was 8). But at the first it definitely wasn't Dota, I used to play the PS2 (PlayStation 2) most gamers would probably know it. My favorite game was "Black" it's an first person shooter game but the graphic for "Black" back then was already the best I could ever imagine. I get very excited to game every single weekend because my parents only allow me to play during the weekends those days.

But as I move on to life, I started to like how the online games on computer works. I then started to play a very famous in SEA (South East Asia) game called Sudden Attack when I was 11 years old. I got to play as the role of a Rifler in my team and my favorite rifle was definitely the AK-47. But I had always wanted the sniper role but I wasn't good enough to be in. I remember that I judged the MOBA community when I was 12 by saying "What is the purpose of a game that don't really use the keyboard." But until I move to Dota I realize that the keyboard is the most important thing for the game.

There comes Dota, one of the world's most famous MOBA game ever. I have always been dying to try Dota but no one ever taught me how to play and I was lazy to try it out. Then there goes a true Chinese idiom of me "The fox complain that the grape was sour just because he did not have the chance to eat it". But then I finally got the chance to play the newer version of DotA, Dota2 when I was 14. But it was different from the way I play Dota from Sudden Attack. I have never played a MOBA game before in my entire life and there goes my first try. It was really hard for me to cope. All the items, hero builds, last hits and also the "Secret Shop". I never knew about the Secret Shop until someone told me. I thought I was just playing a simple and a normal game which you there will only be items sold in the base (Fountain). I will explain more details about the game further on.

But the main point is, I never knew that I will succeed in this game because it's a game that I've never played before. Then I realize, in life you have to keep trying and to keep moving forward. Don't just look at how bad are you now but to look at yourself you have to seek deeper into the future. Also thanking God that he gave me this opportunity to try out the game; not just try out but to also be better in it.

Oh yeah and I have never mentioned, the person that introduced me to this game to me is Jessie. Yes... I know I know she's a girl and she's introducing and teaching a guy how to play a game. But you simply can't imagine she taught me that right? Anyways, most of you guys know who is she to me.  At first I didn't know that she plays game, because she introduced me to this game when we the in the 8th grade. BACK THEN SHE WAS QUIET AND CHEERFUL, not sure what has happened to her now..... Just kidding yaaa. So yeah, she played pretty well and I couldn't picture me getting owned by a girl because I'm a very competitive person. Then so I got a little bit 'Kiasu Laaa' (Afraid to be Defeated).

Me for Being too kiasu
So I started to work hard on Dota and there were few of my schoolmates that accompanied me playing it too! Kah Ming (Another person that taught me), Justin (He was a close friend but he moved to another school), and most importantly Yong Jie (My brother from another mother) "YEAH FEEL TOUCHED SMALL SANS YJ". Kah Ming don't play Dota anymore but you can definitely catch him playing CS:GO (Counter Strike: Global Offensive). Justin, I don't really catch up with him now. Jessie, Yong Jie and I will usually play Dota on the weekends together to improve our teamwork and to also have fun at the same time.

I have never found my passion in Dota until a year later, I said "Hey, you know what? I am going to take this game to the next level. Soon I will be going to tournaments by tournaments and one they I'll tell the people that I actually succeeded in something to prove that I'm actually not useless". Until now, I still have that passion and that thinking of Dota. Dota is something that I really do not want to give up on because I know deep down inside I can do it and I am going to make this dream happen to my life.

This is about it guys I hope that you guys liked the post and I'll catch you guys on the next blog.

Here's my Facebook profile if you guys want to get to know me more just click the add button!

Leave a comment behind if you want to, even privately (If you know what I mean). I'll try to reply you guys as soon as possible.
Sniper! PEW PEW!


Sunday 5 April 2015

ChowChow is a kind of a dog. Cute, Fluffy and Nice.

Basically Dota is a passion of mine and I would love to take Dota to the future and make it my career. But I know that there would be obstacles. All I have to know is to never give up in my dreams.